Hope you all are practicing social responsibility, staying in as much as possible, and being safe.

There should be no need to physically go to lessons and have your children come into contact with others. Remember, we need to minimise the risk not only for ourselves but for those in our households and community, particularly the susceptible.

Here is a list of FREE local SEA content that is available to you for your child to use at home.

Aleph Educators ELA Workshop Series which began on February 29, 2020. Go to edmodo.com and enter class code m2z5g8.

Aleph Educators ELA Workshop Series

Writers Plus is hosting Online ELA Writing Lessons starting Monday 23rd March, 2020. Enter here.

No photo description available.
Writers Plus Online ELA Lessons

Newsday SEA Study Series in your Monday Newsday.

Newsday SEA Study Series

The Ministry of Education has launched an e-learning platform for all levels. There are many courses. Register here.
The Ministry will also air classes weekdays on TTT from Monday 23rd March, 2020. Math at 9:15 a.m. and Language at 1:15 p.m.

Ministry of Education LMS

IBN airs live SEA tutorials Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. These can also be viewed live on the SEA Results Facebook page.
They also have an edmodo.com webclass. Class code 6kjq3y.

IBN SEA Results

CNC3 airs GT Lessons live SEA tutorials weekdays 10:00 a.m., 11:05 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. These can also be viewed live on CNC3’s Facebook page.

CNC3 GT Lessons

Pennacool.com has online practice tests and exercises. Register here.

JAV Publishing House

JAV Publishing House is emailing Comprehension and Grammar exercises. Subscribe to their newsletter here or email them at [email protected]

K12 STEM Homeschool Tutoring has a number of resources. Access here.

K12 STEM Homeschool Tutoring

Trini e-learning has SEA Past Papers and Mathematics Worksheets. Enter here.

Trini e-learning

Fas-Pass Maths has SEA Mathematics Past Paper solutions. Access here.

Fas-Pass Maths

I hope this assists. Stay inside, wash your hands, and stay safe!

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