Great news! Our long awaited SEA Mathematics Practice Tests Textbook has arrived.

Currently available at:
- Keith Khan’s Books Etc. Navet Road, San Fernando 653-2665
- Mohammed’s Bookstore Associates Ltd. Gulf View 657-9613
If you haven’t already, please pick up a copy of our SEA Language Arts and Writing Practice Tests Textbook while you’re there.
Detailed answer guides available on our website.
Math answers will be uploaded soon.
From Tuesday, available at:
- Keith Khan’s Books Etc. Port of Spain 625-2665
- Mohammed’s Bookstore Associates Ltd. High Street, San Fernando 657-1012 and Tunapuna 645-7355
- Nigel R Khan Bookseller. Tarouba 235-3276
- The Crayon Box. Aranguez 225-2787
- Jadoo’s. Arima 667-2729
- R’s Entertainment Ltd. Point Fortin 228-7416
From Friday, available at:
- Mohammed’s Bookstore Associates Ltd. West Mall 637-6551 and Port of Spain 627-3341.
- Educators Bookstore. Tobago 639-5044
We will continue to update the list.
I purchased the Maths practice test but not seeing the answer guide? When would it be available?
Good day Alisha,
Tests 1 to 6 are now available. Tests 7 to 12 will be available in a few days.
Thanks for your support.