Quadrilaterals are geometric shapes that can be found in our daily lives. In this post, we’ll explore the most common quadrilaterals and provide tips for you to help your SEA learners identify and describe the properties of these shapes.

What is a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is a polygon that has 4 sides. Here are the characteristics:

  • It has exactly four straight sides or line segments.
  • It has four angles formed where the sides meet.
  • It is a closed figure, meaning all four sides connect to form a complete, enclosed shape.
  • The sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral always adds up to 360 degrees.

Common Quadrilaterals

Teaching Strategies

Here are some tips for helping students learn and identify the different quadrilaterals:

Visual Aids and Real-Life Examples

Visual aids like diagrams, pictures and drawings can make it easier for learners to grasp the concepts. You can also create or show them shapes with everyday objects, such as picture frames, erasers, windows and doors.

Hands-On Activities

Encourage children to construct quadrilaterals using materials like craft sticks, straws or playdough. This hands-on approach helps them understand the characteristics of each shape.

Playing Games

There are various games and puzzles available that can make learning about quadrilaterals enjoyable and engaging. Board games like “Tangrams” or online math games can be valuable resources.

For more tips, explanations and exercises, check out our SEA tutorials in the Newsday every Monday and purchase our practice tests at any of these locations.

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